Sunday, October 21, 2007

Ozark Meat #1 Now Available!

The first issue of Ozark Meat is up for viewing at Instead of charging a dollar to view it I've opted to just have folks sign up for a profile at comicspace to help out my good buddy Josh. It's free and will ensure that no one under 18 is able to see the book. Also Ozark Meat has been added to the official site at You can click "goodies" and download free desk tops, or play the Ozark Meat Maze Game and win cool new desktops! Or, click on the "buy" button to purchase your own copy of Ozark Meat from our friends at! Just go to , click on "DUNZ" then click on "comics".

Meat is good,

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Ozark Meat #1 complete

Ozark Meat #1 is now finished. I will be sending it out to the printer on Monday. Be sure to check back to to see fun OM desktops, flash bits and other goodies. You will be able to view the Ozark Meat comicbook online for $1.00 in the next few weeks, so be sure to check it out! That's all for now...


Saturday, January 27, 2007